SHE’S BAAAACK! Ten radical ways the lawless left is planning to put Hillary Clinton back into the White House on January 20


SHE’S BAAAACK! Ten radical ways the lawless left is planning to put Hillary Clinton back into the White House on January 20

Revolutionary Left

SHE'S BAAAACK! Ten radical ways the lawless left Hillary Clinton back

Rather than stepping back after experience a landslide defeat in the elections, the political left has said that the whole world is wrong in their projection. These communist-leaning radicals now believe it’s their job to correct the “errors” of the election by putting Hillary Clinton in the White House by any means possible. (Democracy be damned!)



Despite all their “democratic ” rhetoric, at their core, leftists loathe democracy. They dislike leaving anything up to the voters, and even when the voters speak with chosen lucidity by scorning the failed the development of policies and criminality of the revolutionary left, the same liberals accept everything the voters told them and continue down the path of soul delusion. hillary clinton speech

That’s why right now, the revolutionary left is working to overthrow the Trump election victory and set Hillary in the White House by any means required. This includes, of course, newspapers like the Washington Post completely fabricating utterly untrue fibs to try to destroy or censor the independent media. Exclusively when the true free press in America is silenced can the revolutionary left been very successful in its mission to overthrow the country.( As long as Drudge, Infowars, Natural News and Zero Hedge prevail, in other words, they cannot get away with their communist merger .)

Likely Methods of The Revolutionary Left

Here are ten methods the revolutionary left is either seeking or strongly considering ways steal this election before January 20. For the record, in this case I am not PREDICTING any specific scenarios will occur … and I hope nothing of them do. But I am warning Natural News readers about the possibilities that are still in the cards, even if some of them do seem instead remote.( Some of these scenarios are highly likely, and others are not likely at all. But you should consider them all …)


Scenario #1) Steal the Electoral votes

Rumors are already twirl that the Electoral voters may be bribed to adapt their votes in defiance of the popular voters in their regimes. I’ve heard that some Electoral voters have been offered $150,000 each to switch their Trump votes to Clinton referendums, and other voters are being death threated to change their votes.( Yes, this is how the revolutionary left treats democracy: If you don’t vote for their candidate, they threaten to kill you !)


The reason this tactic will not supplant by itself is because Donald Trump has triumphed by 78 electoral referendums . Bribing enough voters in states that even allow personal discretion to alter such referendums is a near impossibility. The risk of this happening is almost zero. The reality that so many delusional leftists still believe they can win by menacing the Electoral voters is just one more lesson of their sheer delusion.

Scenario #2) Plunge America into chaos and declare Martial Law

The chance of this tactic, however, is higher. In reality, the patch to overthrow the Republic by riling up clueless, hypnotized leftist instigators is already ramping up.

As Doug Hagmann writes in :

 Again we construe the lies of the “leftist” media and their card-carrying Socialist friends deceptively claiming that these protests are both spontaneous and organic. They are neither, and are as spontaneous as the two attacks in Benghazi was in 2012. They are well planned, organised and funded by the same people who refuse to abdicate supremacy. The media is even reluctant to call them for what they are: organized rampages, terminated with injuries and property devastation. Left unexposed, these rampages will not only continue, but spread .

Watch for organized rampages on Christmas, New Year’s Day and Inauguration Day. The revolutionary left believes that they can confiscate supremacy if adequate chaos is unleashed in the streets.

Scenario #3) Crash the markets back to the Dark Ages and destroy continuity of government

This scenario is highly likely to be attempted, in my appraisal, but not until after Donald Trump is attested in as President. Once it’s all official, the central bank may collude to disintegrate the world debt system so that Trump can be blamed for the catastrophe while the subservient, leftist media lies to all their followers( as usual) to suggest Obama’s doubling of the national debt “ve got nothing” to do with it.( Yes, when finance markets go bad under Obama, it’s Bush’s fault. But when finance markets go bad under Trump, it’s Trump’s glitch !)

The likelihood of marketplaces crashing before Inauguration Day is also worth considering, but if they do disintegrate before Obama leaves office, I believe that will be an accidental accident , not a deliberate one.

The most strategic path for globalists to use a market accident is to hour it to occur once Trump takes place. That’s why myself, James Wesley Rawles and Michael Snyder are all prophesying a market implosion in 2017

The Economic Indicators Are Pointing Toward A Depression: Michael Snyder

Scenario #4) Launch an EMP nuclear assault on America and blame the Russians

This the “EMP untrue pennant ” scenario I initially mentioned to Dave Hodges in a recent interview. Notably, the narrative for this untrue pennant is already being put into residence by fakestream media publishers like the Washington Post, which has declared Natural News to be controlled by the Russians.( Gravely. They did .)

With that narrative amply in place, the Obama regime can launch a atomic weapon and explosion it at altitude above Northern america, generate a false pennant EMP attack that’s then accused on the Russians.

Obama could then affirm Martial Law and issue arrest warrants for all the independent media websites referred by the Washington Post as “working for the Russians .”

I know, it’s all completely insane, but this is how the lawless, revolutionary left supposes. They have decided to win at any price , even if it means nuking their home country. That’s how delusional and dangerous these people are. Spoken notebooks by Ann Coulter to better understand the tactics of the hopeles, revolutionary left.

Scenario #5) Provoke nuclear war with Russia

There’s too the scenario where Obama deliberately initiates a nuclear campaign with Russia, almost certainly kick-starting it in Ukraine, along the Eastern front of NATO. He then uses the declaration of campaign to declare a new national emergency, claiming he must remain in the White House until the crisis proceeds.( It won’t fly, of course, but they might try …)

The entire fakestream media has not reported any of this, but Paul Craig Roberts has correctly described how Obama is outlook European nuclear resources into an vigorous, war-like posture to provoke a Russian response . Speak some of Roberts’ outstanding analysis articles at this association.

It is fair to say that President Obama has been trying to elicit Russia into a nuclear conflict for years . Will he supplant? I doubt it. Putin will hold off until Trump takes place, and then he and Trump is very likely to avoid nuclear campaign altogether.

Scenario #6) Assassinate Trump, then threaten Pence until he complies

This scenario is being actively pursued by the revolutionary left. They are literally attempting to assassinate Donald J. Trump so that Mike Pence becomes President. From there, they hope they can sufficiently menaced or control Pence to follow their bidding.

As all that is unfolding, they are able to too be maliciously assaulting Pence, Trump and the independent media via the “fakestream media ” which will make utterly untrue fibs on a daily basis, just as they do now.

Scenario #7) Open the floodgates for illegals and overrun the country with militant foreigners

Here’s a scenario that’s already been partially triggered by Obama. The thought is to spate America with illegals — especially those with ties to La Raza — then extol portions of the American Southwest to be “property of the Mexican people .”

As far as I’m referred, they can have the entire Southern half of California for free. It’s on the brink of economic and social downfall, and any nation that has to deal with that mess is going to bitternes being associated with it. If they do take half of California, let’s make sure they take all the electoral referendums that go with it, too.

Scenario #8) Activate a massive false flag event in a large U.S. city, possibly targeting Trump Tower

It is worth noting that Ron Paul is now echoing my threats of a massive untrue pennant affair to try to alter the outcome of this election.

We must crucially understand that the globalists had numerous untrue flags planned before the election , but they chose to avoid spark any of them because they erroneously thought they had the election locked up.

Thus, by the narrowest of perimeters, We the People managed to both WIN the election for Trump and evade large-scale untrue pennant onslaughts on U.S. soil. I can’t even describe to you how narrowly we all stranded the needle on that one…

But those same untrue pennant runnings can still be invoked at any time, and they may hitherto be used to stimulate interruptions, chaos or to mention Martial Law long before Inauguration Day.

From a tactical view in the mindset of the revolutionary left, the best various kinds of untrue pennant to reach its goal of remain in supremacy would be one that targets Trump Tower. Although the FAA has curtailed the breath infinite around Trump Tower for security intellects, the tower could still be targeted by determined, suicidal leftist revolutionaries carrying something like a mix of substance explosives and dirty rocket material.

Google, an anti-American organization of renegades and communists, has already renamed Trump Tower to “Dump Tower ” on Google Maps. This is possibly a directive to left-wing gunmen to “dump ” explosives and radiological artilleries on the target. In consequence, Google may be actively working to overthrow the U.S. authority, just as the Washington Post is, too.

Scenario #9) A popular uprising to “occupy” Washington D.C. on January 20, 2017

This scenario is almost a certainty, as Natural News is already aware of a revolutionary leftist patch to confiscate and dominate the Capitol building on January 20.

This effort is being organized on a massive proportion and sold as a “protest .” If a sufficient number of willing revolutionaries arrive on the situation — and you can bet they will be transported in by the thousands, kindnes of George Soros — the “peaceful protest ” will be be converted into a “let’s take the Capitol !” effort.

There will be 1,000 U.S. Marines stationed in D.C. on Inauguration Day. I can’t wait to watch them take back the Capitol under the orders of President Trump. The revolutionary left needs to be shown what real Americans are made of, and it doesn’t aim backing down exactly because a few thousand whiney transgendered snowflakes with stuffed unicorns and tie-dye rainbow T-shirts believe that they can steal the country by plopping down on the flooring of the Capitol building.

Scenario #10) “Poison Pill” America the week before Inauguration

This isn’t actually a path for the left to take over the country. Rather, it’s a path to ruin the country before Trump takes over .

The idea is to stimulate a massive financial crisis in the working day before Trump’s inauguration. This can be accomplished more readily than you might believe: The Fed can announce substantially higher interest rates while the federal “Plunge Protection Team ” flips into change, SELLING all the government-owned inventories and financial instruments they’ve been buying up for the last eight years to prevent a market crash.

Basically, it’s a fire sale scenario : Everything must go.

In the distance of a few short periods, President Obama could decimate the financial markets, vastly increase the costs of U.S. authority borrowing, sweep away billions of dollars in private money among the citizens, and even have international borrowers reddening U.S. debt. The best part of all this, from the view of the left, is that lying media shops like the Washington Post, NYT and CNN could all blame Donald Trump !

It’s sort of like agreeing to sell your ill-used truck to your neighbor and then specifying fuel to your truck before siding it over. This is the way the revolutionary left supposes. They would rather destroy America than lose control of it .

Conclusion: It ain’t over, folks… prepare for activation of the Second Amendment

The conclusion in all this should be obvious: It’s not over until Trump is attested in as President. And even then, it’s still not over until we clean out the revolutionary leftist liars and cockroach communists running the left-wing media.

Even then, it’s STILL not over until we smash the NEA and stop permitting communists to mounted the academic schedule in our nation’s institutions. To really save America, we must crack the back of the communists who have infiltrated every institution in this society , and we must then re-educate an entire generation “of childrens and” teens about why America is the greatest society on the planet.

Can we succeed? There are tens of millions of dedicated leftists, communists and revolutionary Islamic gunmen who hope we don’t. My admonition is to “lock and onu .” Prepare to defend your society against the revolutionaries. A civil campaign now seems nearly inevitable, as the revolutionary left refuses to accept the outcome of any democratic referendum they don’t win .

If they alter this thing to brutality and the Second Amendment gets activated, the revolutionary left is going to find itself ravaged at the hands of real Americans.



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